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3530 Announces Rebranding


Arlington, Texas – May 21, 2019 – 3530 Technologies (“3530”) announced this week that it has completed the rebranding effort for its CreditCore® suite of products. Adair Taulbee, COO of 3530 said that ‘CreditCore has become so feature rich, supporting four distinctly different areas of consumer lending, that it just made sense. This way we are able to dive into the unique features of each area so that prospects can more easily evaluate the functionality tailored to the types of loans that they offer.’

The result of these efforts is four unique product offerings that be can be used separately or combined:

  • CreditCore® _Consumer – The initial offering of 3530 for consumer and portfolio consumer real estate lending.

  • CreditCore®_Indirect – For indirect auto and RV lending.

  • CreditCore®_WebApp – Another initial offering of 3530 allowing for applicants to apply from any device. While historically integrated with CreditCore_Consumer, this is now available on a “stand-alone” basis or integrated with both CreditCore®_Consumer and CreditCore®_Business.

  • CreditCore®_Business – 3530’s newest offering within the CreditCore suite allowing for business purpose loans along with financial statement and tax return financial analyses.

‘We are so excited that CreditCore® has evolved to the point of solving so many different types of consumer and business lending challenges for our client partners.’ concluded Taulbee.


About 3530 Technologies

Founded on the principles and values of focusing on the client partner relationship as well as providing a best-in-class loan origination solution to lending institutions in the U.S., 3530 is the preeminent vendor partner of choice for institutions who are thirsty for positive change.


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